Experiencing Essential Anatomy
At the beginning of my Feldenkrais career, I struggled to learn and understand anatomy. But, after much searching and difficulties, I finally understood that there are some important aspects of anatomy that we should understand while other aspects are much less relevant to our work:
1. There are some (but not many) muscles which are practically important and most relevant for us. To know their Latin names is not important while working with the general public. But as they are not many, you will learn them easily. To know where these muscles are and what they do - yes, of course, that is very important.
2. All the bones are relevant - but it is much more essential to understand how the joints function, that is, what is and isn’t feasible for any given joint, beyond the anatomical terminology.
3. By yourself, it is difficult to distill the anatomical information that you find in books into the essentials you really need. The books are difficult to understand (even when they are correct) and, more often than not, the descriptions of the movement of the joints are traditional: they flex, extend, rotate, etc. This is surely not helpful for us (nor for our clients). Why? My anatomy series will give a concrete and practical answer to this question.
4. Some explanations look good and sound serious, but if the logic behind them is faulty, and you are not experienced enough, you will be taking a journey to nowhere if you act on these explanations, and you will face difficulties you do not need to face.
5. The information you can find in videos on the internet is sometimes right and sometimes wrong. As a beginner, you cannot really discern the difference if you do not already have previous anatomical-functional knowledge. Because I have investigated human anatomy for many years, I can offer you my knowledge and point you to the videos that can actually help you to better understand anatomical relationships and functions.
6. The topics covered in my two 10-session class series were chosen to help you get a clearer and simpler image of your anatomy. This knowledge will help you refine your ability to sense yourself more exactly during an ATM, making it possible for you to get much more from the lessons you do. You will improve your ability to visualise your real body - not the image you once had of it, or the image that the books convey.
7. Visualizing what we sense means locating what we sense and bringing attention to the “real place” - it means getting a better orientation in our own body. Building these skills in relation to ourselves is the first step towards “seeing” the skeleton and the organization of our clients, both in ATM and FI.
8. In each session of the first class series, in addition to anatomical explanations, I will offer an ATM which will make it easy to integrate and experience your newly gained understanding. To maximize your learning, you will prepare the ATMs during the week before each session.
To learn more
about the specific curriculum of my "Basic" class series
please click on the link below
Description of the free classes THE NEW ZEALAND GUILD
Basic 23 topics October 2018 NEWSLETTER: A STORY ABOUT