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1001 Scolioses - Diversity, Nature, and.... Spontaneity

Nature is not straight.... but nature is not a human being, you will say...

Nature is not straight . . . But, you will say, nature is not a human being!

Trees are not straight . . .but, you will say, trees are not human beings!

Let's put it short:

The human body is capable of 1001 scolioses.

Only this diversity of the possible patterns assures that, at any given time, the body will be able to change its configuration (ever so slightly) so that stability will be ensured in the next second for all of the (approx!!) 206 bones. Any change in one tiny part of the body will ask for tiny changes in all the other parts, all the time, for every part of every movement. Instead of “flexibility”, we should think about enabling diversity - free movement in any joint to ensure the ability to make these necessary changes in the configuration of the whole skeleton, again and again.

Instead of “learning new patterns of movement”, let’s think how we can restore the knowledge of the body about itself in order to create the best possible conditions for spontaneous, adaptive behavior.

But... what about scoliosis?

More specifically - What about the wide spread idiopathic scoliosis?

How can we help young people diagnosed with idiopathic youth scoliosis

who are faced with the perspective of either aggravation and growing limitations or with some of the most unpleasant "solutions" aimed at "straightening them out”?

I would like to invite you to a free class about this topic, presenting a somewhat different perspective. My ideas are the result of almost 25 years of everyday research and a determination to know, understand, and refine both my thinking and my investigative process with the goal of accompanying (not only!!) young people on the path towards a better, richer life.

If you have not yet subscribed, please go to

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an Invitation for a two hours free class with this theme

and some playful surprises.

And, because we love choices, you will be able to choose between different days and different times!

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